Saturday, June 6, 2009

Montessori Activity Areas

Practical Life area teaches children self-help skills, care of their environment, coordination, fine motor skills, attention span and a sense of order. These activities are the foundation for future learning - especially reading, writing and math.

Sensorial Materials help the child to use her senses to learn concepts of size, color and shape, while improving eye and hand coordination. The child compares heights, weights, colors, sounds, smells, shapes and textures.

Math is presented using tangible objects which represent quantities. Children move at their own pace from these objects to symbols and functions. This process includes the introduction of numerals and association of quantity and symbol, sequencing, addition and subtraction, and the decimal system.

Language includes written and oral expression. This is initiated using patterns, association, rhymes and opposites, and progresses through vocabulary enrichment, control of pencil, recognition of letter shapes, names and sounds. The child works at her own pace to build reading and writing skills.

Culture area provides a basic knowledge of culture, science and geography, and builds an awareness of the world in which we live.

The teachers bring additional materials of their own design into the classroom. At Kinderhaus, these include music, art, introduction to Spanish and other cross-cultural presentations. We also have the reading area with the butterfly pillow.

What is a Directress?

The Montessori teacher is referred to as a Directress because she "directs" classroom activity. The Directress carefully plans the environment to meet the needs of the children and helps them progress from one activity to the next. She is trained to work with each child individually allowing him to choose activities within his ability, then directing him to new activities as he is ready. Rather than "teaching" the child, the Directress frequently stands back while the child is working, to allow him the satisfaction of making his own discoveries.

At Kinderhaus, each session is headed by a Montessori certified Directress. All staff members are approved by the Board of Directors and are selected for their love and understanding of children.

help the child to use her senses to learn concepts of size, color and shape, while improving eye and hand coordination. The child compares heights, weights, colors, sounds, smells, shapes and textures.

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